Have you ever thought about how almost everything we do in life is centered on food? Think about it for a minute…No special celebration is complete without food. No holiday. No sport’s event. No church gathering. No office party…Where people are gathered there’s bound to be a plentiful amount of delectable, enticing foods.
To tell you the truth, I hadn’t given it much thought until I developed extensive food sensitivities. One of the most difficult things I’ve ever had to conquer is sitting and watching while others indulge. On second thought, having to prepare the food for a holiday meal may be an even worse scenario. You quickly come to realize how much tasting and testing went into all of the dinner’s preparation.
I wish I could say that I have this incredible amount of discipline that keeps my hands out of the food. But that’s not the case and I end up eating the forbidden knowing full well the agonizing muscle pain that will ensue for days. It’s an unending battle that takes its toll both physically and mentally.
And I’m not alone - There’s an alarming increase in the diagnosis of complex digestive disorders striking those of all ages.
You’ve probably heard of IBD (irritable bowel disease), IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and the list goes on and on. Some believe that autism and ADD (attention deficit disorder) can also be traced back to digestive issues. These are life-changing, painful conditions that have no quick fix; no easy answer.
Not nearly as appealing as the food that got them to this point, is it?
This is an endoscopy image taken of a section of the bowel called the sigmoid colon and shows what ulcerative colitis looks like. Note that the inside surface of the colon has a red blotchy appearance and has broken places.
It’s my belief, that toxins play a huge role as a precursor to chronic and painful intestinal disorders.
Combine the chemicals in our food with today’s poor dietary habits and you can find yourself on a fast track to serious digestive problems. Add over-the-counter and prescription meds to the mix and you now have a genuinely deadly combination.
Personally, I can attribute the intestinal damage I suffered to that of a doctor’s careless prescribing of massive amounts of antibiotics and the acid-blocker Prilosec; coupled with off-the-charts and ongoing stress. I already had a history of digestive issues and this ill-advised treatment only compounded my existing problems. Unfortunately, no advice was given me to be sure to follow up with quality probiotics (and I don’t mean yogurt) to replenish the good bacteria in my guts. In a relatively short amount of time, the situation was totally out of control.
The longer I live the less confidence I have in drugs and the greater is my confidence in the regulation and administration of diet and regimen. ~John Redman Coxe, 1800
You see, when you take antibiotics, they wipe out absolutely all the bacteria in your intestines - good and bad. My medical knowledge, at that point, was very limited and I didn’t even know there was such a thing as “good” and “bad” bacteria to be worried about. I, like many of you, obediently followed my doctor’s orders, not giving it a second thought.
Lesson learned: Always research the side effects before taking a prescription medication. In other words, do your homework. Ask for another opinion and if there are possible alternative options that might work just as well.
The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. ~Thomas Edison
Another important thing to realize is that treating the symptoms of your condition does not make the cause go away. Today’s medical professionals are trained to focus predominately on addressing the symptoms instead of seeking out the source of the problem. Especially in the case of digestive disorders, the cause has to be addressed or your health will be further jeopardized. It’s just a matter of time.
What I’d like for you to take away from this blog post is this:
If your diet is fast food, processed foods and junk you could soon be going through my nightmare or even worse. And “Yes”, it can really happen to you. Plan a nutritious diet menu and get with the program.
- Analyze your food habits and plan events that aren't focused on food. Replace bad eating habits with enjoyable activities that will work towards a healthier, more vibrant and beautiful you - not sabotage your efforts.
There’s truly no better preventative measure you can take against disease than to start living an active, healthy life. You’ll feel and look better than you have in years, while ensuring yourself a future free of unnecessary suffering and pain.
May God bless you on your journey,
Note: If you have a digestive disorder or disease, I welcome your comments and encourage your input.